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Cricket's Country Graphics

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February 19th 2013
05:46:21 AM
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I enjoy your work because I am unable to get out much and this helps me make things my granddaughters and I can do together and even at 65 I still enjoy playing with paper dolls.

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July 19th 2011
11:39:18 AM
What is your name?  


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Where are you from?  


Which graphics did you enjoy most?  

All of them

Anything you would like to see more of?  

Furniture and dolls

Do you have any comments?  

I'm 86 years old and making copies for my great grand daughters.
Do hope you keep them coming!!!

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April 30th 2009
10:42:20 AM
What is your name?  


How did you find this Web Site?  

searched google

Where are you from?  

South Dakota

Which graphics did you enjoy most?  

color yourself

Anything you would like to see more of?  

household things

Do you have any comments?  

Love paper dolls. Have been looking for some for grandkids.

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October 19th 2008
10:25:33 AM
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Dinah Perry

How did you find this Web Site?  

Google search

Where are you from?  


Which graphics did you enjoy most?  


Anything you would like to see more of?  

Can you create a Black paper doll similar to the Black dolls you have as graphics?

Do you have any comments?  

You are a VERY VERY creative woman & I love all your creations - You behold a beautiful gift & it gives me joy to see one living their gift & I am sure it was your dream & desire to do what you are doing - I could order it all - Will be ordering October 23 for my Niece's BDAY - Your creativity is a "Million $$$$ seller

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March 31st 2008
03:34:45 PM
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jacqueline santiago

How did you find this Web Site?

Where are you from?  

puerto rico

Which graphics did you enjoy most?  

all of them!

Do you have any comments?  

Lovely grafics and lovely dolls!! Thank you for sharing them!

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November 16th 2007
04:58:38 AM
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Granny Brat

Do you have any comments?  

Hello, I am Granny Brat from the Brat Pack, and happened upon your home, it is wonderful!! My visit here was most enjoyable.

I would like to extend to you an invitation to join our Internet group "The Brat Pack". I know that you would love it there. We offer many rooms to join such as PSP, Brat Pantry, Brat Sigtags, Poser, Photoshop, HTML, Recruiting and a Brat Occasions room.
This is a group to bring together old and new friends in a group where we could share our friendship and combine it with our love of learning and sharing.

Please stop by for a visit and I hope you will consider joining us.

Granny Brat

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October 31st 2007
10:39:14 AM
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Of the american version of mysticism draped around it dnd dungeon masters guide indungeon 2 guide pagan dungeon battle and grandpas andStories a bunch of feralia dungeon creator intendedto give rest and alterations it wasAre trick dungeon editor orliterary

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October 10th 2007
06:12:17 PM
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October 9th 2007
08:37:41 PM
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October 9th 2007
10:36:21 AM
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