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Re: NWMF Madison

what a great post, thank you. wow. dot's spot in DC, last chance saloon in columbia, MD, the shot tower bar in downtown baltimore, etc., - we've come a long way together. what a ride it's been for me the last few decades.

I am very present to the fact that as hard as I have worked to create this life, none of that would have made one bit of difference if not for folks like you who showed up consistently and repeatedly, always bringing new folks with you. you give me this life, as you do for any musician out there doing live shows. thank you for giving me the chance to do the thing I love most in my life for so many years - my reason for being on the planet. and thank you for supporting live music everywhere. please keep doing so. there are a lot of amazingly talented people out there making great music trying to create a life like the one I have because of you. go find them and take your friends along for the fun.

everyone stay in touch.... it's great to re-connect with people from my humble beginnings.

in sincere gratitude,