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Re: Summer 2009

Once again Mint Julep and I have had our ships pass in the night. We were up at the Cape last week...just after you'd left. I agree that having to leave the Cape is one of the saddest things to do, but when you have a grandson welcoming you with such love it sure makes the transition easier. We enjoyed a wonderful week on Herring Cove, eating lots of great seafood, seeing several shows and a wonderful play, and most of all enjoying the beauty and peace that the Cape gives to all who can stop and take it in.
We are very fortunate as we are going back Aug.6th for two weeks this time. The first week will be with my daughter,her hubby, AND MY GRANDDAUGHTER! That makes the Cape twice as good! The second week we have our time share (for the 33rd week of each year) in Provincetown. Although it always gives us a place to stay, I would rather stay on the bay to hear the waves at night. So if anyone is ever interested in renting, let me know. I hope that was okay to put on this message board. If not, I am really sorry.
If any one will be up in P'town while we are there, we'd love to get together.
Lucky Suede to have the Cape as her home! I join with all whom are awaiting Suede's schedule for the year.
Happy summer to all!