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Re: What is doing on with my date book!

Thanks T.R. and Sallie for your kind thoughts and encouragement. You two must have sent along such positve thoughts that, not to go into the long story of why, I will be able to attend Suede's performance on Oct. 16th. I am sooooooooooooooooooo happy!
It'd be great to meet up with any of you who will be attending too!

Re: What is doing on with my date book!

you guys continue to amaze me... I am so honored that you actually change plans in order to catch my show. I really am. I promise you I will do my best to make it worth your effort. way to go, lynne!

Re: What is doing on with my date book!

I am really honored Suede that you took the time to reply. I promise I'll clap and cheer the loudest for you at the 9:00 show. I JUST CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

Re: What is doing on with my date book!

Yippeeeee, Lynne... glad to know you'll be in P-town for Suede's show Oct. 16th! See, "diva-angels" DO exist... LUCKY YOU!! Unfortunately, I will not be in Provincetown at that time. Instead, I'll be there in late Oct. (Can't wait!!!!) For those of us who aren't able to attend the performance, WE look forward to your posting (and others) on the message board.

By the way, Lynne, will you be on the OLIVIA/SUEDE B-day Bash cruise in November? I hope so!! In any case, I look forward to meeting up with you SOON!!!!

Cheers to the "SUEDEWAVES" of luck... timing,

Re: What is doing on with my date book!

Hi TR,
Thanks for reminding us all about the Diva angels! We won't be on the Nov. cruise. We'd thought about it as friends of ours will be going, but we want to be with my granddaughter for turkey day. It sounds like it will be "over the moon" as the Brits say. Lucky you that you will be a part of it. You and the others will need to tell us land lockers all about it. Really looking forward to the day we can meet up.I promise I'll tell you all about Oct. 16th. By the way isn't the Cape THE best place???!!!!!!


Re: What is doing on with my date book!

Sounds good to me, Lynne! I, actually, WE (those of us who aren't able to attend) cannot wait to hear about Suede's P-town BLAST of a performance (I'm sure!!), Oct. 16th!!!! Also, you can be assured of reading MANY posts, after Olivia's Thanksgiving Birthday Bash Cruise in November, where "SUEDEWAVES" will sail in abundance!!

Happy/healthy days,

P.S.... YES, Lynne, P-town (Cape Cod) is one of my favorite places... my "soul-home", indeed!!

Re: What is doing on with my date book!

Well, I can't make it to Women's Week.. but I am making it an evening trip specifically for my way overdue dose of Diva's live performance... both shows, it's just been too long! Don't get me wrong, I love the cds and DVD; they continue to wear well from the high demands placed upon them. Experiencing a Suede performance in person just gives off energy that lasts for weeks, even months!
Lynne, I'm happy to hear it's working for you too. I have complete empathy for you. Maybe I'll see you there!
Sallie, TR, and all other devotees out there, thanks for keeping me up to date with Suede's travels and all those performances I've been missing... I can always feel the energy through those Suedewaves~~


Re: What is doing on with my date book!

Glad you can make it to hear Suede...and both shows wow! Perhaps we can meet up before the second show. I'll be rushing over from hearing Kate Clinton.

Re: What is doing on with my date book!

WAAAAY to go, Lynne and ML...

I know Sallie and I will TOTALLY be with ALL of you in spirit and support, during and around Suede's performance in P-town... YAY!!

Have fun and we cannot wait to read and hear ALL the "positive" details!!!!

Cheers to ON-GOING "high notes" of support and enthusiasm,


Re: What is doing on with my date book!

Hi Lynne,

It would be great to put a face with the posts

Enjoy Kate Clinton & the rest of your stay during Women's Week.

TR, get ready and we'll send the suedewaves your way!

Re: What is doing on with my date book!


Re: What is doing on with my date book!

Hi Lynne~

I'll catch up w/ you offline for details. I look forward to meeting another Diva devotee in person!

Enjoy your time in Ptown~

Re: What is doing on with my date book!


May an EARTHQUAKE of SUEDEWAVES ripple across the nation, during Suede's performance in P-town today!! We're looking forward to the "scoop", Lynne and ML.... waaaay out here, on the WEST COAST!!!!

May the "tremors" begin....
Terri & Co