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Re: P-Town Vacation

As Peter, Paul & Mary sang many years ago: "I'm leaving on a jet plane" bright and early in the morning as I fly into vacation mode. By this time tomorrow, I will raise a frosted silver Mint Julep cup to toast Mr. Sun as he starts to slip away over the horizon just off the beautiful waters of Cape Cod at P-Town.

If any of you are watching the sun set over the same horizon tomorrow, please let us know as we have internet access at our rented condo. We would surely enjoy making your acquaintance in person!

Re: P-Town Vacation

Oooh, Mint Julep and Carol, have a wonderful time! In spirit, I shall watch the sun rise and set... how tranquil, the "moments"!! (In four months, I'll get MY dose of P-town "medicine"... YAY!) Now, may you BOTH find fun, healthy walks, interesting literature, relaxation and romance throughout your stay and heaven in each other's eyes... happy and safe travels, you two!!

Looking forward to "connecting" LIVE, once again, SOON,