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Re: Dangerous Mood....WOW! WOW! WOW!

and so, in turn... gosh, Dutey. I'm coming donned with my red hat/purple boa anyway. You're right... the show IS all about the Diva and her Big Dangerous Band coming to town, rolling in next Saturday in grand style. Kazoos seem so rudimentary and primitive now... but maybe we can play with them in our little dinner beforehand.... I'm going to ask the proprietor if we can have the "private room" anyway, with 14 of us signed up for dinner, and will warn him that we might be quite a rowdy group.

Re: Dangerous Mood....WOW! WOW! WOW!

I have been following Suede since 1987 when Ett took me my first Suede concert.

However, I don't remember anything about kazoos.

Ett or Dutey... please explain the kazoo thing.


Re: Dangerous Mood....WOW! WOW! WOW!

well, Russell, the kazoos were from a time past. I'm sure The Diva is quaking just thinking about those special times in Baltimore, c.1979-1986-ish. We in downtown Baltimore used to go to the Suede coffeehouses, and shows (Shot Tower, Last Chance Saloon in Columbia MD, Women's Coffee House nights, etc). As I remember, especially for the song Juan Valdez (something about a Columbian coffee maker), we would "play along" with our kazoos in time with Suede playing her guitar, harmonica, trumpet and whatever else. She was a regular one-armed musician back then... doing it all. A far cry from the greatness she's become today with this Dangerous Mood Big Band CD now completed. The kazoos would ONLY be for reminiscing... I'm sure NO ONE would think of playing one at the concert itself, as they represent a time gone by, but full of good memories of Suede's early years in Charm City.

Re: Dangerous Mood....WOW! WOW! WOW!

god lova ya all..... as I have said before, I am very present to the fact that I would not have this life, this dream come true, if not for all of you who keep showing up for me - esp when it really matters. I am SO glad you like the new CD. I put my heart, soul, blood, sweat, tears and obscene amounts of credit card charges into bringing it to life - only because I so wanted to. the fact that you all love it makes it all SO worth it for me. just wait until I really get it out to the world at large! grammys - here we come!