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Saying thank you to all good people

Dear friends,

when I first sent you my appeal for rehabilitation of my grandmother Concetta Cafiso, I must admit that I did not expect that so many people would reply and support my request. I am pleasantly surprised to see that so many inhabitants of Valguarnera (and of Valguarnerian origin) demonstrated so musch interest and will to help me in this matter.

I would like to thank all those who supported me (above all, staff of, who recognized the importance of this step and put this brief article of my grandmother on the homepage) and to all those who contacted me in order to find out more details of my grandmother's destiny.

Maybe Sicilians are not so bad people after all (at least not contemporary ones) and some day our femily might decide to transfer remains of the woman we were so proud of to her native land, among her roots.

My grandmother would probably be pleased to come home again and know that people have changed.

I thank you all once again.

Concetta Connie Cafiso

Re: Saying thank you to all good people

mia suocera è una cafiso sono originari di messina. Il papà di lei si è sposato con una di Vittoria

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Replying to:

Dear friends,

when I first sent you my appeal for rehabilitation of my grandmother Concetta Cafiso, I must admit that I did not expect that so many people would reply and support my request. I am pleasantly surprised to see that so many inhabitants of Valguarnera (and of Valguarnerian origin) demonstrated so musch interest and will to help me in this matter.

I would like to thank all those who supported me (above all, staff of, who recognized the importance of this step and put this brief article of my grandmother on the homepage) and to all those who contacted me in order to find out more details of my grandmother's destiny.

Maybe Sicilians are not so bad people after all (at least not contemporary ones) and some day our femily might decide to transfer remains of the woman we were so proud of to her native land, among her roots.

My grandmother would probably be pleased to come home again and know that people have changed.

I thank you all once again.

Concetta Connie Cafiso

Re: Saying thank you to all good people

mia suocera é una cafisa suo padre proveniva da messina e dopo si è sposato con una di vittoria

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Replying to:

Dear friends,

when I first sent you my appeal for rehabilitation of my grandmother Concetta Cafiso, I must admit that I did not expect that so many people would reply and support my request. I am pleasantly surprised to see that so many inhabitants of Valguarnera (and of Valguarnerian origin) demonstrated so musch interest and will to help me in this matter.

I would like to thank all those who supported me (above all, staff of, who recognized the importance of this step and put this brief article of my grandmother on the homepage) and to all those who contacted me in order to find out more details of my grandmother's destiny.

Maybe Sicilians are not so bad people after all (at least not contemporary ones) and some day our femily might decide to transfer remains of the woman we were so proud of to her native land, among her roots.

My grandmother would probably be pleased to come home again and know that people have changed.

I thank you all once again.

Concetta Connie Cafiso