My name is Jackie and my father's relatives come from Valguarnera. My father's surname is Tuttobene.
The following message is from my father, Joseph. Do you recognize or know of any of these people?
"Cristofero Tuttobene, left Sicily in February, 1907 when he was 21. He was a farm laborer. I also know he had a sister, whose married last name was Arena and I believe he had a brother or other close relative who immigrated to Argentina, probably about the same time. When he landed in America his destination was a cousin, Francesco Liscari who lived on North St. in Rochester, NY. He married a woman named Pauline, my grandmother. Her mother's name was Grace Mancuso, although I think she may have lost her first husband and been married twice. I am not sure what part of Italy my paternal mother's family was from, although if not Sicily"
We are coming to Valguernera in April 2009 and we want to meet more Tuttobene relatives.
mi chiamo Francesco Tuttobene, provengo da Valguarnera e cercando le mie origini ho scoperto attrverso questo sito
che un mio parento (ancora da verificare) sono arrivati in america nel 1907 si chiamava Cristofero e si trasferi a Rochester.
Spero di esserti stato utile