Nicole Caspari's Anne Frank Website* - Forum

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*Note: My Anne Frank Website - previously reachable at - and all my other websites have been taken down as of 2003.
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Nicole (January 8th, 2018)

The Anne Frank portrait in the header graphic was painted by Priscilla Pope and is used with permission.

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Which book should I buy?

Does anyone know which version of the book is the most complete...they were talking about publishing a book with the "missing pages." Has that happened??? Which of the versions that are out is the most complete version of teh diary to buy??

Thanks! ~~Alena

Re: Which book should I buy?

As far as the Diary goes, I'm not sure what's the most complete now, though I've got the Critical Edition and that's gotta be the most comprehensive. I think the new Otto Frank book has at least some of the 'lost' entries included in it; at least the book addresses moments in his life to which those lost passages refer. I'm still not aware yet of a specific edition that includes the missing pages.

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Replying to:

Does anyone know which version of the book is the most complete...they were talking about publishing a book with the "missing pages." Has that happened??? Which of the versions that are out is the most complete version of teh diary to buy??

Thanks! ~~Alena