I believe half the fun (and frustration) is in the build. And for those of us with limited space, the rest is in photographing to chronicle our achievements. Choosing the right light and angles can be so important and rewarding when you take out the album for a trip down memory lane.
In both cases the work displayed was phenomenal. I was particularly impressed with the backdrops for your pictures which seemed to add the touch of fog or battle smoke, that heightened the effect.
Striking pictures of an excellent display. In black and white I believe a couple would have even passed for era pictures.
And I'm SOOooo glad you mentioned the metal tanks lent themselves to being set on fire. While they truly added to the realism, it would have been a shame to sacrifice models in that fashion. It still irks me that I once broke down a dozen tanks for their running gear to convert Opel trucks into maultiers before I learned about the kits available through Plastic Soldier.