Sounds correct, Strelets Turkish artillery is pretty good for Egyptian Artillery for the period, both guns and troops, and four of the five poses in the redbox Turkish sailors artillery would work with either of the above guns as Mahdist artillery
Waterloo1815 heads? Nice work & I might make a few of these, too.
Can you tell me where to find a photo of this conversion? I looked on the Unofficial HaT Facebook page couldn't find it. If it is there, can you give me a date that it was posted?
I looked at the Turks on Plastic Soldier Review and their cloths didn't seem to match jibbas.
Pat, I have yet to convert the redbox figs, they are the closest to Madist gun crews yet, although not perfect, in the absence of better, they will have to do. The gun crews were often pressed men , ie captured Egyptian gunners who either wore plain white cloth or less common their old uniforms, adding chains may be beyond my conversion skills though
Thanks for the input. I had hoped that you had made the conversion so that you could provide guidance. It looks like a hard one to make. You are right about perfection. It can be very rare. Sometimes we have to compromise with our little men. Again, thanks.
Pat, I have yet to convert the redbox figs, they are the closest to Madist gun crews yet, although not perfect, in the absence of better, they will have to do. The gun crews were often pressed men , ie captured Egyptian gunners who either wore plain white cloth or less common their old uniforms, adding chains may be beyond my conversion skills though
Not difficult--either a bit of ribbon epoxy around the ankles or thin strips of cardboard, connected by very fine chain from the model railroad shop.