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The Lusitanian War

The Lusitanian War, called in Greek Pyrinos Polemos ("the Fiery War"), was a war of resistance fought by the Lusitanian tribes of Hispania Ulterior against the advancing legions of the Roman Republic from 155 to 139 BC. The Lusitanians revolted on two separate occasions (155 and again 146) and were pacified. In 154 BC, a long war in Hispania Citerior, known as the Numantine War, was begun by the Celtiberians. It lasted until 133.

Under the leadership of Viriathus, the Lusitanian tribes moved from guerilla warfare to take on 2 Roman legions (some 10,000 troops), by leading them onto a narrow passage through the mountains overhanging a fatal ledge.

They killed over 4,000 Romans, wounding many others.

Outside of Hat's Carthaginian Allies which has two Lusitanians, there is no one else selling Lusitanians.

I would love to see some post 2nd Punic War sets.

Re: The Lusitanian War

I think what your talking about here are Celtiberians, there are several sets available from Hät and Orion(which I thought quite good)that have figures that would be suitable to represent a Lusitanian force, in particular those with small round shields daggers and sinew helmets, as many were apparantly light troops though some armour was in use...

There is a new English version of "Armas de la antigua Iberia" in the works though it seems to be taking some time to be published...

Re: The Lusitanian War

The sets that would provide suitable troops for this war are;

Orion Iberian Infantry

HaT Spanish Cavalry

HaT Hannibal's Cathaginians - Spanish Infantry

Hat Carthaginian Allies (only two Iberians)

Odemars Iberian Infantry (the quality of this set seems pretty low)

In a pinch you could probably use some Celts as well.

Re: The Lusitanian War

If only HaT would bring out their 1/32 Celtiberians in 1/72...