Interesting on the comments on the pike carrying figure
I'm a wargamer - so if I needed pike carrying figures it's simple to chop off the musket and add a wire "pike"
[I do the same thing to generate standard bearers]
Personally the ADC & Generals are more use due to their distinctive hats [no pun intended]
As for the poor old nco - the marginal differences in uniform does not outweigh the benefits of the bicorne
What I do find surprising is that the old strelets, italieri [sp] and I think waterloo1815 sets of Generals seem to sell out really fast and yet very few folk seem to make them or bring them back into production
I guess it's all mathematics - how many boxes of generals would I need ... probably no more than 10 - I use them as mounted colonels mainly - remember I'm a gamer so strict accuracy is not always required - whereas line troopers I guess folk buy more
We shall have to wait and see how the poll & set turns out
General (but not Blucher - a more generic general please)
That's my vote. I do not need anothe random landwehr infantryman. I need lots of landwehr for wargames units, so one or two odd extra poses add nothing. But generals and aides can lead many a battalion, and can be head swapped onto the e siting Prussian officers
I've accomplished my duty by acquiring four sets (two marching and two action. I hope to have been the one that triggered the process of approval and production of the set.
Best regards to you all.