Re: What does your ideal Prussian Landwehr unit look like?
Thankyou for your quick response to my request.
Although I have previously discussed and proposed a similar sprue structure for the Landwehr sets on various posts over the past several years.
(& via email to HAT on Sept 2016 - I'm not sure though whether part 2 of my email was received - technical glitches in the binary world... :-)
I thought I would take this one last opportunity to convey my opinions regarding the sprue composition in particular the 4 advancing figures in the Landwehr Action set. If my recommendation comes to fruition that would be wonderful, if it does not - c'est la vie, unfortunately its just not mean't to be.
Re: What does your ideal Prussian Landwehr unit look like?
Good point. However, what for the ones who have already pledged, what are their thoughts about changing the make up of the sets?
Well this thread has dropped off the front page now so I assume most of them are unaware the question has been raised.
I'm in two minds on this. With 16 figure battalions the equal numbers work fine for a battalion advancing in line. 8 low porte in front and 8 high porte behind. In column I might have to offset some figures to avoid them bayoneting each other.
With extra high porte figures they might fit together better in column but in line I would be losing some low porte figures at the front and I do like that look.
The Prussians advanced with two battalions in line in front and 4 attack columns behind so it's a bit of a toss up.
I'll live with the set either way but if the number of low Porte figures was to be reduced I'd rather keep the two advancing at low porte (Fig 3) figs and lose the 2 standing at ready (Fig 4). Also, I like the idea of having some figures with stiffeners in their caps but I'm not sure I want to double their number.
Re: What does your ideal Prussian Landwehr unit look like?
The reason for having more 'porte high' figures is to enable to fit figures appropriately behind the first line of porte low figures. Hence building an advancing unit more effectively.
Libero where have you been? Hat have been Crowdfunding since the 1st of Jan 2017 and the masters were done in 2009, it's a very good idea for a pose but I think a little late in the day, the best idea at this stage might be to go for a Bonus figure or 2, I did suggest this pose which I think is similar to the 'porte high' pose your referring to.
Re: What does your ideal Prussian Landwehr unit look like?
Sorry Libero,
I just looked at the drawings of Prussian Landwehr and it is obviously that the first two existing figures you're referring to, I thought Porte High was when a soldier advanced with Musket held almost vertically, so your proposal makes sense to me now.
Re: What does your ideal Prussian Landwehr unit look like?
My landwehr will be in units of 32 "figures" each, 4 command, 26 infantrymen, and a mounted officer taking the space of the final "two"
I will be making my units in a 2:1 ratio - marching to attacking - as a nod to the line infantry musketeers:fusiliers ratio
I would hope to make the 4 command figures a foot officer, a musician, a standard bearer (for my non-historical fantasy flags) and an NCO type
I am hoping that the bonus figures will be a higher command group - maybe a general, an aide, and hangers-on. It is the higher command that is always missing from our plastic armies, and the bonus figures might be a realistic way to achieve that
I would hope that the bonus figures are special and useful, not just extra landwehr infantry types. I can get extras already in metal. So here's hoping
Re: What does your ideal Prussian Landwehr unit look like?
Sorry Libero,
I just looked at the drawings of Prussian Landwehr and it is obviously that the first two existing figures you're referring to, I thought Porte High was when a soldier advanced with Musket held almost vertically, so your proposal makes sense to me now.
Hi Brian
That's okay not to worry.
In regards to Landwehr sets I have discussed sprue structure/composition on various posts over the past several years. This is in reference to what HAT has represented in terms of their Landwehr master sculpts.
Yes, in the above post I was referring to HAT's recent Landwehr line drawings as expressed under the heading ACTION SET. Please note HAT's Advancing Landwehr master sculpts images are arranged differently to their recent line drawings for the 4 advancing Landwehr infantry.
I see there have been lots of interesting posts on the forum.
Unfortunately at this moment in time my visits/contributions/posts to forums have been very limited and for now may remain so for the foreseeable future.
However I will be back..... (& in good form so he says)
Best Regards
ps Good luck to all with their bonus figure requests.