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yes, it WAS the perfect ending to a west coast tour, indeed! the sold out audience could not have been more responsive, more fun. the sound was amazing, the venue is GREAT, the people who work it are great fun and the 50 year history of the club sends out the best vibe! and then there's karen hammack on the piano with me! what a find, eh? how much fun was THAT! she's a perfect fit, I say and I look forward to being back there and getting many more chances to work with her great vibe, great playing, great fun and great smile! thanks to all of you who packed the house for my first time at this famous club and for sending me home (even with some tedious airline challenges - what else is new these days) on such a high note! can't wait to get back with you all!


Thank you, Suede-

You made my evening, when you were performing at McCabe's in Santa Monica, CA. To sit in the front row and watch you perform is magical. You beam with delight, confidence and enthusiasm. You make me laugh, cry and think of "romance magic" with my late husband, "Bud". (You were great "medicine" for his illness and spirits.) He was with me, though, dancing around my heart and your performance. My daughter, Terri, and her crowd were really flying high in that rowdy audience and they're STILL talking about it. I do hope you come back to Santa Monica and have more than one show. We really enjoyed having you in our neighborhood and I'll get more of my friends to join in the fun. To see one of the most gifted performers I've ever seen in my MANY years, again and again, will keep me GOING longer and longer. Thank you, Suede, for lifting my spirits and being so nice to me after the show. You're the best!

See you in November, with the other Olivia travelers,
Mary L