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Please feel free to post favorite recipes, song requests, clubs you'd like to see Suede play, reviews of recent shows, de-skunking remedies, etc., but please keep it clean...

Your Diva is a lady of delicate sensibilities, as you know.

Now go. Talk amongst yourselves! Community Forum
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You are amazing

You are a phenonmenal womyn...Watching you over the years grow ever so much into this wonderful womyn, who has a voice that can reach the stars...over and over left me speechless with you music and your talents..I am forever grateful for you, Suede..
Findly had the nerve to talk to you this past weekend in rehoboth... I had to replace my cds as I have seen their last sign it for nice you were, thanks for your life and what you give to the community as well as to the world...
you are awesome..
maybe one day we can have a drink...Ü
have a great week ahead and stay safe...