Danza Dance Foro de Mensajes | Danza Dance Message Forum
BIENVENIDOS AL FORO DANZADANCE.ORG, UN ESPACIO PÚBLICO DE NOTICIAS CULTURALES. Participa con preguntas, noticias o cualquier otro tema relacionado con la danza y las artes escénicas.
Hi, I need to speak spanish but right now I only can speak englsh so I hope you speak englsh. My boyfriend and I have opened a company in Cabo San Lucas. We are a Ballet with six dancers, and we are establishing contracts with the hotels for their entertainment needs but we need a new choreographer, the one we have can not continue. If you know of anyone that may be interested in this position please give them my email address. If they prefer to write in Spanish I will forward the to my partner and he will reply.
Thank you, Tracy Patterson and Pablo Velazquez
Tracy : tpatterson@cogeco.ca
Pablo : jpvo88@hotmail.com
624-122-66-86 cell