World Wide Childcare, Visitel and other scams Forum

This is a project page!

It's not maintained by professionals.

I think this is an opportunity to find people all over the world that have the same "problem", share experience and join forces. The money is gone? We'll see ...

Check by often, and use this community! Criticism is welcome!

*Please stay with facts, this is not a forum for fairy tales!
*The info about yourself is voluntary, but please leave at least your first name.


Welcome to the WWCC-Victims/Worldwide Childcare Forum
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hi everybody. this is the start of gsp victims' forum.
you can find what happened, what we do and the latest news here

Re: test

As soon as password protection is active we can share our progress or lack thereof on this site.For very sensitive information direct e-mail communication remains valuable

Thank you for your effort.
Peter Janson


Hello Fellow victims,
There can be little doubt that Interglobal,Intertrade and others are all
schemers of the GSP ilk. As they pop out of the woodwork we must take the
opportunity to send their details to the SEC bodies in their neigbourhood
and I think we must post their details and addresses on the GSP Victim website in order that all interested parties take note and join in the
I am convinced that the scale of fraud that is perpetrated daily in this
fashion must be huge and that very little active action is being taken by
the SEC authorities. We should put pressure on the authorities to be more
transparent in what they are doing and to at least respond in some fashion
to our queries.


Peter Janson


5 years later. Todd Gotlieb living happily of your money in Toronto 416-561-0955 is his cell for some BS.
His brother the original fraudster living in a home you bought him in the Bahamas.