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It was great meeting and hanging out with you

Hi Suede,

It's C.C.

I had a ball hanging out with you all on the boat - I have something for you but can't do the contact thing through OUTLOOK can you email me and send me an address

much love

Re: It was great meeting and hanging out with you

Suede - It was incredible to see you every day on the Olivia cruise, and your concert, as always, was outstanding!! I was the one in the balcony going crazy...

I have already ordered copies of "The Day We Met" for two wonderful women I met on the cruise who had never heard you (how deprived were they??) before last week.

Am going to call the Birchmere - and hope others in the DC area will join me - to let them know we want you back regularly. As far as I'm concerned, a day without hearing your music is just not an all-it-can-be kind of day!


Re: It was great meeting and hanging out with you

what do you mean the ONE in the balcony going crazy? as if that singles you out! those shows were completely crazy - what great audiences they BOTH had. ok, I overdo a bit maybe. but wasn't that fun????? I could have gone on for another hour at both, easily (suede).

thanks for starting up the grassroots campaign for a return to the birchmere too. we're definitely overdue in getting back to that great room. hope to see you there with about 498 of your closest friends soon!

Re: It was great meeting and hanging out with you

hey CC carter - what a fabulous writer babe you are! I LOVE your work - the writing, the performance, the sass, the presence. well done! and bringing up sistas in the pit (great SF band for those who don't know) for your show was a total stroke of brilliance. bravo! I hope we cross paths often and soon. until then, be well and keep on writing and being and doing your work! wowie.